
This page gives an overview of the differentially private graph algorithms for releasing degree distribution or subgraph counts.

Paper Authors DP Guarantee Query Type Algorithm Name Short Name
ICDM'09 Hay et al. Edge/Node DP Degree Distribution Naive Laplace Mechanism over Degree Histogram degHis(*)
Laplace Mechanism over Degree Sequence degSeq(*)
TCC'13 Kasiwiswanathan et al. Node DP Degree Distribution Naive Node Truncation based Mechanism nodeTrun
Degree Distribution & Subgraph Counting Flowgraph based Mechanism flowgraph
SIGMOD'16 Day et al. Node DP Degree Distribution Edge Addition based Mechanism over Partitioned Histogram edgeAddHist
Edge Addition based Mechanism over Cumulative Histogram edgeAddCum
VLDB'11 Karwa et al. Edge DP Subgraph Counting Smooth Sensitivity Mechanism smoothSens
k-Triangle Counting Noisy Local Sensitivity Mechanism noisyLocalSens
SIGMOD'13 Chen & Zhou Edge/Node DP Subgraph Counting Recursive Mechanism recursive(*)
ITCS'13 Blocki et al. Edge/Node DP Subgraph Counting Restricted Sensitivity Mechanism restricted(*)
SIGMOD'15 Zhang et al. Edge DP Subgraph Counting Ladder Mechanism ladder
WOSN'12 Proserpio et al. Edge DP Synthetic Graph wPINQ queries wpinq
PSD'14 Karwa et al. Edge DP Synthetic Graph Randomized Response ERGM Synthesis ergmSyn
CCS'17 Qin et al. Local Edge DP Synthetic Graph Local DP Graph Generation ldpGen
PoPets'20 Chen et al. Edge/Node attribute DP Synthetic Graph CAGM Graph Synthesis cagmSyn
NeurIPS'19 Sealfon & Ullman Node DP Synthetic Graph Erdos-Renyi Estimator erdosRenyiSyn